Four 220 rolls of TXP, two 120 rolls of Neopan 400, two 120 rolls of TX400 (sometimes you use what yuou can find, on the road…). All in Xtol 1+1.
As Courtney has wisely reminded me so often, the best gifts are the unexpected ones that you realize really ought to have been on your wish list (though the couple of gifts I received from my wish list are most treasured too). I’d place as a close second the gifts you give to yourself to share. Thus the best gifts of the season have been the trip to see our family in Minnesota, and as a happy side-effect, a chance to make pictures of my parents and brother’s family in their own homes (note to my sister, who lives nearby in Oakland: you’re next!).
Another related experience (though not a relation) was a chance to meet up with Todd Deutsch over coffee, including a chance page through a preliminary version of his book Family Days. The experience was both uplifting and humbling — which in my estimation is just about as good as you can get. Todd’s take on the family snap is a sensitive and vivid one. His children are at the age where they are still unguarded both physically and emotionally, but he’s able to turn his camera just as effectively on the adults around his household. Having reached the last page I was glad to have had the experience to view these photos, they have made me a better person (a feeling I already had before reaching the close of the first section). If only I had half the talent to do as much with my own.