The announcement in America of the invention of photography, as reported in The New Yorker (later renamed the New York Tribune), 13 April 1839:
New Discovery in the Fine Arts: The Daguerroscope
Where are we going? Who can tell? The phantasmagoria of inventions passes rapidly before us — are we to see them no more? — are they to be obliterated? Is the hand of man to be altogether stayed in his work? — the wit active — the fingers idle? Wonderful wonder of wonders!! Vanquish aqua-tints and mezzotints — as chimneys that consume their own smoke, devour yourselves. Steel engravers, copper engravers, and etchers, drink up your aquafortis and die! There is an end of your black art — “Othello’s occupation is no more.” The real black art of true magic arises and cries avaunt. All nature shall paint herself — fields, rivers, trees, houses, plains, mountains, cities, shall all paint themselves at a bidding, and at a few moment’s notice. Towns will no longer have any representatives but themselves. Invention says it. It has found out the one thing new under the sun; that by virtue of the sun’s patent, all nature, animate and inanimate, shall be henceforth its own painter, engraver, printer and publisher.