Kevin Bjorke
Kevin Bjorke
~1 min read

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The Cantax Today’s (linkless) photo is for Eddie, who tragically turned down a 300D because he didn’t like the color and it didn’t look “Reuters” enough.

C’mon man, your Contax G2 is silver too (and the Leica as well? Tsk!) You know darned well that the camera body is just a little dark box at the back of the lens, with an extra little hole for peeping through.

It’s also for Michael Johnson, who has rollover pains with regards to cameras that aren’t made of metal. (You should subscribe to his newsletter anyway — here’s hoping he can manage to keep printing it!)

Now to doctor-up a logo…

The Cantax

(Sorry for the obvious pixel noise in this quick snap — shot with my old Canon G1…. which has been recently borrowed often by my daughter. A mere 8MB card? Not a problem when you’re enthusiastic as she is….)

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